Showing Snackbars with NavbarRouter
Source material design 3 website
Snackbar is a component that is used to display a message for a short period of time and then automatically disappear. It can be used to display a short message or an action that a user has performed. It is a good way to give feedback to the user.
Showing Snackbar with NavbarRouter is very easy. You just need to use the showSnackbar
method of the NavbarRouter
. The showSnackbar
method requires a context and a message.
Note: You will need to wrap your
within a builder, if the parent of NavbarRouter does not contain a Scaffold, see the example for more details.
"This is shown on top of the Floating Action Button",
And hide it using the NavbarNotifier.hideSnackBar
Note that This api supports minimal customization as of now and intends to add all the customization options that the material design snackbar supports.
Supported customization options:
- showCloseIcon: Whether to show the close icon or not. (defaults to true)
- actionLabel: The label of the action button. Both onPressed and actionLabel are required to show the action button.
- onPressed: The callback to be called when the action button is pressed. Both onPressed and actionLabel are required to show the action button.
- duration: The duration for which the snackbar should be shown. (defaults to 3 seconds)
- bottom: The margin from the bottom of the screen. (defaults to [kNavbarHeight])