Day 1
- Git Overview
- Installation
- Command line usage
- Initial Setup
- Updating Git
- Git Clients
Day 2
- Introduction
- Repository
- Init
- Clone
- GitIgnore
- Stash
- Commit
- Amend
- Remote
- Local
- Push
- Pull
- Fetch
- Sync
Day 3
Day 4 (Github)
- Introduction
- Create a Repository
- GitIgnore
- Commit Gitignore File
- Commit Other File
- Create a Branch
- Add Commit to the Branch
- Add a Commit to Main
- Merge the Branch Into Main
- Introduction
Day 5
- GitLab
- BitBucket
- GitHub
- Introduction
- Create a Repository on GitHub
- Clone the Repository
- Create the Initial Code
- Syncing Repos
- Identify a Needed Change
- General Work Process
- Introduction
- Identify the Issue
- Fork the Repository
- Clone the Repository
- Fix the Issue
- Push the Branch
- Create a Pull Request
- Reviewing the Results
Day 6
- Introduction
- Handle Merge Conflicts
- Update a Commit
- Update a Commit Message
- Move a Commit to a Branch
- Undo an Old Commit
- Undo Changes to a File
- Untrack a File
- Unrecoverable Issues
- Introduction
- VSCode
- Visual Studio
- GitHub Desktop
- GitKraken
Day 7
- Final Thoughts
- Conclusion